How to Choose Classroom Speakers

Getting the right classroom active speaker system is very important for making the learning experience better. A good sound system can transform a classroom so that every student, no matter where they sit, can hear the lesson. If you want to make an informed choice, here are five important tips for picking the best active speaker system for your class.

1. Simple Design

The general layout of a good classroom speaker system is what makes it work well. For a classroom setting, it is best to use active classroom speakers, which have an amplifier built in. Installing this combined design is easier, and it requires less wiring. 

With active speakers, you don’t need different amplifiers or a lot of wiring, which can take a long time and cost a lot to set up. Not only does this make things simpler, but it also saves money in the long run by cutting down on upkeep and troubleshooting. This is especially helpful for schools that are on a tight budget because the money saved can be used for other important tools. The simplified design also makes the classroom cleaner and more organized by getting rid of extra cords and equipment that can get in the way.

2. Durability with Steel Grille

Durability is very important in a classroom. There are big reasons why steel grilles are better than more popular fabric grilles. When students are curious or naughty, they might poke fingers, pencils, or other things through the grille and damage the speaker cones. By adding this extra layer of security, the speaker system will last longer and continue to work well for a long time. Getting speakers with steel grilles is a smart move that can help schools save money on fixes and replacements.

Not only do steel grilles last longer, they are also simpler to clean and keep up. Cleaning fabric grilles often is necessary to keep them looking good and working properly because they can collect dust and stains. Meanwhile, steel grilles are easy to clean, so the speakers will always look good and work properly. This is very important in schools, where cleaning and hygiene are very important.

3. Adequate Sound Level for a Classroom


A good speaker system for a school needs to be able to make enough sound. Normal classroom noise is around 60 dB from 6 meters away, which is at the back of the class. You can read this article to find out what safe decibels are. The sound level should be at least 15 dB higher than that. 

To put it another way, the speakers should put out more than 75 dB of sound. Less than 30 watts probably won’t be loud enough, and systems with a lot more than 30 watts might be too expensive for most people. You should look for a sound system that puts out about 15 Watts of RMS per channel. This is the right amount of power for the money.

Keeping the sound level at the right level is important for learning and communicating. If the system is too quiet, kids might miss important information. On the other hand, if it is too loud, it can be annoying or even hurt your hearing. Schools can make sure the sound is clear and noticeable without being too loud by carefully choosing a speaker system with the right amount of power.

4. Simple to Use

When choosing a classroom speaker system, it must be easy to use. It shouldn’t be hard for teachers to get to the settings. The settings for many speakers are in the back or front, where they are hard to get to without moving furniture. To avoid these problems, choose speakers with power controls and on/off switches that are easy to reach. In an ideal world, these settings would be at a reasonable height, making it easy for teachers to change the volume or turn the system on and off.

Well-designed settings make the speaker system much more useful overall. Teachers need to be able to make changes quickly without stopping the lesson. Controls that are simple to understand and easy to get make the system run smoothly, so teachers can focus on teaching instead of fixing technology issues. Also, controls that are easy to use lower the risk of damage by mistake because teachers are less likely to do dangerous things to get to them.

5. Plug-ins for PC, DVD, Flash Drives, and Other Audio Sources

Another important thing to think about is how flexible the audio input is. Basic shelf speakers and systems usually only have one input, which means that you have to reconnect them every time you change the audio source. This can be hard to do and takes a lot of time. For a classroom, it’s best to get a speaker system with at least two inputs. 

This way, you can add more than one audio source at the same time, like a PC and a DVD player. This setup makes it easy and quick for teachers to switch between audio sources, which improves the whole teaching experience. The sound system is more useful when it has more than one input. 

Teachers can easily use multimedia tools like videos, presentations, and audio clips in their lessons, and students don’t have to keep reconnecting their devices. This adaptability helps create a lively and interesting learning space where different teaching tools can be used to improve the learning experience. In addition, having various inputs means that the speaker system will still work with new teaching tools as technology improves in the future.


Buying a good speaker system will make sure that all of your students can hear and understand your lessons, which will lead to better educational results in the long run. When picking the right active speaker system for the classroom, you need to think about several important things, such as the sound level, how easy it is to control, and the variety of inputs it can handle. If schools use these five tips, they can find a sound system that not only meets their needs but also makes the classroom a better place to learn.

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